Saturday, May 4, 2019

Engineering to Digital Marketing 
Marketing and Sale are different. In general, sales is responsible to close the sales transaction, whereas marketing is responsible to keep updating the company any latest trend happening now and statistics at the market. This team is the one who has the facts if the running business is in the uptrend, downtrend or a stagnant market. They also have information regarding clients demographics and geographic. Selling door-to-door is very ‘expensive’ today, compare if the company have a digital marketing team
One of marketing roles is to provide guidance to the company where and when to advertise. I call it ‘right advertisement’. The goal is that the advertisement will aim for the right clients. Without the knowledge with regard to ‘right advertisement’, a company may just waste resources, like money and time, by just putting its advertisements everywhere and anytime. Furthermore, the company may accidentally create bad branding by placing a misleading advertisement.
I remember Robert Kiyosaki advice “If you want to be rich, you need to sale”. My background is Electrical Engineering. After graduated, there were two options, work in a company, means I have to ‘sale’ myself in order for them to hire me. Or start a business, which means I have to ‘sale’ service/items to customers. I ended up with the first option and become an employee. Twelve years later, I noticed how the world changed by the internet boom. It changes human live style, but the basic is the same….“If you want to be rich, you need to sale”
From my own study, I found that it is important for a business to acquires marketing team. Marketing is different from sales team, though in small/medium company size they mix into one department.
In the digital era, marketing has broadened its roles. Digital marketer is at high demand in the marketplace. In 2018, digital ad revenue reached $106 billion, or 51.5% of total ad sales(source). I love Digital Marketing Nano Degree with Udacity course with their hands-on projects. With all the projects, I experience real-world digital marketers tasks. This course provides chat-room, knowledge-center, mentors, one-on-one help as their support systems for students who face difficulties or challenges. Furthermore, Udacity collaborates with some companies, such as Hubspot, Mailchimp, Google, Facebook, Moz, Hootsuite, so that students can learn from practitioners and/or also experts, who do the talk. I recommend this course to train and improve your marketing team skills and knowledge

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Live for travelling: Rose Parade 2012

Live for travelling: Rose Parade 2012

Rose Parade 2012

My first time to see this event in Pasadena, CA. I usually watched it on TV.
Pasadena is around 35 minutes from my place. I left home at 7 am & arrived almost 8 am. There was quite a long traffic started right before exiting the 210 Fwy. It was worse on the way home. However, this event is worth the trip and worth seeing.

The parades included theme floral floats, dancing groups, marching bands, horse riders, and many more. The theme for this year is “Just Imagine...”.
There were some pictures taken & hope you like them!!
Happy new year 2012...

The leading float

Ini pertama kalinya saya menonton langsung Rose Parade di Pasadena, CA. Biasanya saya hanya menonton dari televisi. Semua pasti tahu tentang even ini. Ya salah satu even awal tahun yang mendunia yang diadakan setiap tahunnya di Pasadena, CA. Awalnya saya merencanakan menonton even ini, saya tidak tahu kalau Indonesia akan ikut serta dalam parade ini. Ternyata ini adalah keikutsertaan Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya setelah vakum sejak tahun 1996.
Kenny G

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"

XBOX 360

The Knights

Wonderful Indonesia

Go go Power Rangers

Welcome to the year of dragon 2012

The closing float
Ada empat negara, selain Amerika tentunya, yang ikut serta dalam parade ini, Indonesia, Jepang, Thailand dan Taiwan. Indonesia, Thailand dan Taiwan dengan kendaraan berhias; sementara Jepang memunculkan marching band siswa-siswa sekolah menengah dan tokoh anak-anak power ranger.
Indonesia dengan tema "Wonderfil Indonesia", Thailand "Preserving Paradise", dan Taiwan dengan kendaraan hias naga dalam rangka menyambut tahun naga emas 2012.

Tema Rose Parade untuk tahun ini adalah "Just Imagine..."  dan sebagai sponsor utama adalah Honda.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2012!

Further reading: